Christmas in July! CarMax Tacky Light Run on sale now >

Meet the Team

Katharine Benfer "Kat"

Katharine is a Richmond-native who came back home after graduating from the University of Virginia. As our Digital Marketing Assistant she uses her analytics knowledge to help the team put together a content strategy for marketing campaigns. She may be our resident data wizard now, but growing up she wanted to be teacher that moonlighted as a pet store owner. Outside the office you can find her going for an early morning run, followed by a trip to the South of the James Farmers Market to pet all the dogs. Katharine keeps active by running (she’s on HMTT), hiking, walking around Deep Run Park, and doing barre. She carb-loads for all these activities at Edo’s Squid…she’ll have the garlic with a side of pasta.

Email: [email protected]

If you could have any super power what would it be:  “I would love to be able to speak every language.”

Celebrity you’d like to be best friends with:  “Kristen Bell, she was in one of my favorite shows growing up.”

Favorite Sports Backers event:  “The Monument Ave 10k. I love witnessing the community come together!”