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Active RVA at Work

Active RVA at Work Whether you’re a small, midsize, or large company, it’s more important than ever to ramp up wellness initiatives at your office. Workplace wellness programs can transform business cultures, inspire creativity and productivity, and change lives. So don’t wait any longer to start or improve wellness initiatives. Building active workplaces has benefits in almost every direction. Here’s what getting active […]

Active RVA Certification and Awards

Created in 2013, the Active RVA Certification and Awards program recognizes the Richmond region’s exceptional employers and schools that are implementing innovative programs to promote physical activity. Hundreds of organizations have earned Active RVA Certification for their embrace of active living. Active RVA-Certified Workplaces support their employees to maximize their health and wellness through regular physical activity. By utilizing programs, […]

Cheryl L. Oliver & Raymond D. Patterson Scholarships

In an effort to better serve high school scholar athletes in the Richmond metro area, Sports Backers offers two scholarships geared towards students that demonstrate financial need. These scholarships are in addition to the existing 20 annual scholarships offered through the Richmond Times-Dispatch/Sports Backers Scholar-Athlete Awards Program. These two need-based scholarships will be awarded in the amount of $2,500 each. […]

Bike Restaurant Week

It is a distinct pleasure of exploring Richmond’s neighborhoods simply by riding one’s bike to a new restaurant there. Most of the time, the ride and the food are great, and one remembers the restaurants and the neighborhoods that provide a great experience – often meaning bike lanes, bike parking, and a fun community spirit. Now Bike Walk RVA is sharing […]

RVA Bikeways Map

Click the image below to be directed to the RVA Bikeways Map, or use this URL:

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