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Bike Walk RVA

Advocating for comfortable and connected places to bike and walk for people of all ages and abilities in greater Richmond. Biking and walking for everyday transportation should be accessible to everyone.

The Planning Commission did what?

On Tuesday, the City Planning Commission chose to defer their final decision on the Floyd Ave Bike-Walk Street project for 30 days. While this may be frustrating to those who want to see the project move forward now, it will likely result in a better design for everybody.

Among the topics the Planning Commission asked the Department of Public Works to elaborate on were a lowered speed limit, signage and branding, curb ramps, street trees, and post-implementation evaluation – all of which can help contribute to an even better bike-walk street.

What can you do to help? Sign and circulate this online petition to the Planning Commission to approve the plan for the Floyd Ave Bike-Walk Street >>

The petition says that you support the overall project design and urge the Planning Commission to move our shared vision of a connected RVA forward at the next meeting, before we miss the opportunity altogether.

What’s next? Public Works will present a revised plan to the Planning Commission in a month, which we are very optimistic about. As one planning commissioner said, “We need to set them up for success.” We agree and will continue to encourage Public Works to put forth a design that the Planning Commission will approve.

In the meantime, please sign this petition and share it with your friends and neighbors. The Planning Commission needs to know your support has not wavered, and we’ll pass the petition onto them as we get closer to the next meeting.

Thanks for sticking with us and for helping to make Richmond a better city for biking and walking.

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