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Sports Backers Blog

Kids Challenge: Virtual Edition Update Part 1

By: Chaz Coleman, Kids Run RVA Program Manager

The Kids Challenge: Virtual Edition is off to a great start, thanks to the generous support of Cigna and the efforts of our Kids Run RVA Coaches. After launching on Monday, October 5th, we are now a few weeks into this seven-week challenge with over 400 participants signed up and over 25 teams participating, with hopefully more to come! There are kids from all over the region including the City of Richmond, Henrico County, Hanover County, Chesterfield County, Petersburg, New Kent County, Prince Edward County, Farmville, Prince George County, Colonial Heights, Caroline County,  Hopewell, and Amelia County. There are even two kids from Missouri participating! The list of elementary schools that have teams participating includes: Laburnum, Curtis, Fox, Johnson, Enon, Marguerite Christian, Harrowgate, Obama, Bellevue, Amelia County, Broad Rock, Crestview, Dupont, Ecoff, Glen Lea, John B. Cary, Lakeside, Our Lady of Lourdes, Petersburg City Public Schools, Swansboro, and Westover Hills. The middle schools that have created teams are Matoaca Middle, Providence Middle, and Salem Church Middle. Even the Petersburg YMCA has a team! We are so excited that these individuals stepped up to create a team for their school and we appreciate them for doing so!

Coach Jacki (top left) leading a Kids Challenge workout

Each week the Kids Challenge: Virtual Edition participants have an opportunity to complete seven challenges and collect numerous virtual badges in the process. The seven challenge categories are Muscle Mania, Moving Minutes, Kids Run RVA Activity of the Week, Workout Wednesday Club, YouTube Video of the Week, and Weekend Warrior. Our last challenge is Fit4Kids Healthy Happenings, in conjunction with our partners at Greater Richmond Fit4Kids. The team at Fit4Kids provide activities and challenges encouraging kids to get ample amounts of sleep, eat plenty of fruits and veggies, and practice a variety of other healthy habits.

Some of the actual challenges thus far have included playing a fitness version of the game ‘Never Have I Ever,’ Flip the Coin fitness, picking your two favorite songs and walking/jogging through them, and Muscles for 100 where you do 10 reps or 10 seconds of 10 exercises. Although this challenge is not a competition, there is a leaderboard as each challenge is worth one point. The top of the leaderboard has changed several times and you can tell that our kids are very competitive!

Beth Mayo led the ‘Sports’ Workout Wednesday Session

One of the most exciting parts of the challenge is the ‘Workout Wednesday’ feature. Each Wednesday we get together via Zoom and do different themed workouts for elementary and middle school participants. Last week was Wacky Wednesday where kids could wear wacky outfits and do a wacky workout as well. 45 kids took part in Wacky Wednesday, with six coaches also participating. This week’s theme was ‘Sports’ where you can wear your favorite sports jersey while getting a sports-themed workout. It was special to see so many kids taking part last week and we are really looking forward to more Workout Wednesdays!

Although the Kids Challenge: Virtual Edition has already started, it is not too late to sign up your kids or create a team for your school. We are still on a mission to fight boredom, create more opportunities for physical activity, and get kids in the Richmond region moving. The Kids Challenge: Virtual Edition, with the support of Cigna, will do just that. It is fun but also challenging so kids can improve their fitness each week while earning prizes. If you haven’t signed up your kids please click here to join the fun! If you would like to create a team for your child’s school then please click here! If you attend a Title One school this program is free. We look forward to seeing more kids pushing themselves past their limits in the Kids Challenge: Virtual Edition!


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