Christmas in July! CarMax Tacky Light Run on sale now >

All Streets RVA

It’s no secret we’ve all been spending more time outside – so let’s make it a challenge! Help us accomplish the goal of walking, running, or biking on all the streets in the City of Richmond…all 1,900 miles of them! Let’s show every corner of our community some love and keep a record of every place we’re getting active outside. Register for this free event, and then from June 8 – 30 get out there and get moving! Through this collective effort not only will we accomplish the biggest bike, run, or walk-about the city has ever seen, but we’ll also keep feedback on the conditions of roadways so we can work to make them more comfortable and connected for everyone. Join in the fun, and be a part of the All Streets RVA virtual community!


June 8 - July 10


Suggested donation: $1 for every mile of street you cover


Any street(s) in the City of Richmond