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Bike Walk RVA

Advocating for comfortable and connected places to bike and walk for people of all ages and abilities in greater Richmond. Biking and walking for everyday transportation should be accessible to everyone.

Henrico County Elects Safe Streets Advocate to Board of Supervisors

Last night, voters in Henrico’s Brookland District picked Courtney Lynch to be their newest representative to the County’s Board of Supervisors. Lynch ran a campaign that emphasized transparency, education, inclusivity and… wait for it… safe streets! That’s right, the newest leader at the helm in one of our region’s fastest-growing jurisdictions wants to make that jurisdiction safer for biking and walking.

This is big. But don’t take our word for it.

Here’s the vision Courtney Lynch has laid out for the County in her own words:

  • “For decades Henrico has prioritized car travel. It’s time that we focus on creating places where it’s enjoyable to bike and walk.” In response to Bike Walk RVA’s Candidate Questionnaire, Courtney pointedly acknowledged the problem of pedestrian fatalities and unsafe streets across the County. She’s committed to “[prioritizing] some of the most basic needs” of County residents like improved and expanded crosswalks and street lighting.
  • “Growth doesn’t have to mean sprawl.” Courtney grew up around discussions about planning and development. Her father was a Planning Commissioner for 30 years and she’s taken on a decidedly 21st century posture when it comes to policy and priorities for Henrico’s future: building a county that’s more walkable, has greater density and transit access, and that provides opportunities for more and more families to move to and love living in Henrico.
  • “We need to find ways to make pedestrian and bike accessibility an essential part of how we live. It’s a public health concern.” Courtney’s campaign embraced that biking and walking is a cornerstone strategy to improve the health and well-being of residents. More and more jurisdictions, not just in our region but nationwide, are taking this approach and seeing results. When you make biking and walking safer and more enjoyable, the health of your community improves. Do we also appreciate that this kind of infrastructure helps grow local businesses and make neighborhoods more desirable? Yes. And so does Courtney. But by putting public health front and center, Courtney has shown a real care and concern for the well-being of her constituents.

Elections matter. As a 501(c)3 nonprofit, Bike Walk RVA does not make endorsements, support, or oppose candidates. We champion our issues. Your issues. And we ensure that we have a robust conversation that considers how and why we should build a region where active transportation is celebrated and prioritized.  We want to congratulate Bob Witte on a well-run campaign that also offered thoughtful contributions to a discussion about Henrico’s future. With Courtney Lynch as the newest leader on the Board of Supervisors, Bike Walk RVA looks forward to working with all of Henrico’s leadership to improve its infrastructure and make its streets safer.

Want to get involved with building a safer, more active Henrico? Sign up for updates and to volunteer with Bike Walk RVA.

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