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Student Resources

Most of the materials you will need throughout the program can be found below.

General Program Materials

Program Curriculum – This document provides all of the ALL Stars program details, including a program timeline.

Activities Form – Use this form to document your program activities.

Map of Active Living Organizations – Check out this map to find out which organizations are a part of creating an active community here in the Richmond region!

Capstone Project Details – Learn how to get from project idea to completion by reviewing this document.

Scholarship Information – Learn about the additional scholarships that are available to ALL Stars!

Materials Assigned During Active Living Inequities Session

Healthy Eating & Active Living: Making The Health Choice The Easy Choice – Watch this 4-minute video and discuss is at your next crew meeting.

Social Inequalities Explained – Watch this 4-minute video, discuss it at your next crew meeting, and share it with your friends and family!

Materials Assigned During Active Living 101 Session

Sports Backers Annual Report 2021-2022 – Review our organization’s annual report, with an eye on how local governments, non-profits, and businesses all work together to improve the health and vibrancy of our community.

County Health Rankings Model Explanation Video – Check out this brief video that explains the County Health Rankings Model.

County Health Rankings Website – Explore this website to learn more about how your county or city is ranked then compare your community with other nearby communities.

Materials Assigned During Orientation

Physical Activity Builds a Strong and Healthy America – A PDF from the CDC that describes the challenges that exist and the benefits of physical activity for children, adults, and the community.

Opening Doors to Sports and Community – A TRAINED podcast episode featuring Monica Garrison, founder of Black Girls Do Bike.