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Sports Backers Blog

A New Chapter for Sports Backers Fitness Warriors

A New Chapter for Sports Backers Fitness Warriors: Welcoming Ann Mary Bettenson

Change is an inevitable part of life, and it often paves the way for exciting new opportunities and growth. In the past year, the Sports Backers Fitness Warriors program has undergone significant changes that have reshaped our direction and mission. One of the major challenges was the retirement of Ricky Martin, an integral figure who had been an originator and lead trainer for the program since its inception. Despite this change, the program continued to evolve, determined to find the right candidate to carry the torch forward, inspire new instructors, and uphold its commitment to serving underserved communities. We are thrilled to announce that Ann Mary Bettenson will be taking the helm of the Fitness Warriors training program, injecting new life and passion into our mission.

Bettenson’s appointment as the new lead trainer of the Fitness Warriors training program is a significant turning point in the program’s history. With a strong passion for fitness and a deep commitment to underserved communities, Ann Mary brings a wealth of experience and enthusiasm to her role. Her dedication to making a positive impact aligns perfectly with the program’s core values.

Bettenson is not just a trainer; she is a motivator, a role model, and a driving force for change. Her vision for the Fitness Warriors program is to empower individuals to not only transform their own lives through fitness, but also become catalysts for change within their communities. Under her leadership, we anticipate a renewed sense of purpose and energy within the program.

The Upcoming 12th Class of Fitness Warriors

As Bettenson takes charge, we are gearing up for the 12th class of Fitness Warriors. This next generation of instructors will have the privilege of learning from a dedicated leader who is committed to their growth and the program’s mission. We are excited to announce that applications for the 12th class of Fitness Warriors will open at the beginning of October. If you’re eager to join this transformative journey or know someone who might be, be sure to sign up for email notifications to stay informed about application details.

Paying Our Fitness Warriors

In September, we’re embracing more positive changes as we take a significant step towards recognizing the dedication and hard work of our Fitness Warriors. Many of these instructors have selflessly led weekly classes in their communities for several years, fueled solely by their passion for fitness and the desire to uplift underserved populations. Now, thanks to the generous financial support of the Kenan Jr Charitable Foundation, our Fitness Warriors will receive compensation for each class they lead in the community.

This change marks a pivotal moment in the program’s history. It not only demonstrates our commitment to valuing the contributions of our Fitness Warriors but also ensures their sustainability and ability to continue serving their communities effectively.

Change can be challenging, but it also brings the promise of new beginnings. With the appointment of Ann Mary Bettenson as our new leader and the decision to compensate our Fitness Warriors, we are entering a new and exciting chapter in the program. These changes reflect our dedication to empowering communities through fitness and ensuring that our instructors receive the recognition they deserve. Join us in embracing this positive transformation and attending any of our 45 weekly classes, Additionally, if you want to stay in the know and receive updates on all things Fitness Warriors, including when applications for the 12th class go live, sign up for our email notifications.





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