Christmas in July! CarMax Tacky Light Run on sale now >

Bike Walk RVA

Advocating for comfortable and connected places to bike and walk for people of all ages and abilities in greater Richmond. Biking and walking for everyday transportation should be accessible to everyone.

Commuter Stations back for Bike to Work Day '15

Bike Commuter Aid Stations are back! Stop by one of our five (5) pit stops on your way to work the morning of Bike to Work Day (Friday May 15) from between 7 and 9 AM to grab a coffee and snack, chat with our amazing volunteers, pick up some of the latest bike-related information, and have some fun!

We’re talking coffee! And high fives! And bike rides! And hashtags! (#rvabikemonth, #b2wd2015, and #rvabike). Be a part of the national movement to get more people biking to work!

(And don’t forget to attend the mayor’s press announcement at lunchtime at the James Center)


  • Floyd and Morris (VCU Monroe Park Campus)
  • 2nd Street north of the Belvidere Bridge (VA War Memorial)
  • Leigh and 11th just west of MLK Viaduct (MCV)
  • 10th and Cary (James Center Plaza)
  • Leigh and Lombardy (Across from Sugar Shack)

Commuter Stations

A special thanks to the following businesses for their support of biking in Richmond and of Bike to Work Day through their donations of coffee and snacks:

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