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Bike Walk RVA

Advocating for comfortable and connected places to bike and walk for people of all ages and abilities in greater Richmond. Biking and walking for everyday transportation should be accessible to everyone.

Act now to support bikeways and trails in Chesterfield County

This is not a drill: it’s time to take action.

The Chesterfield County Board of Supervisors is hearing the Bikeways and Trails Plan on Nov. 18. While the future of the plan is uncertain, we know one thing for sure: your elected official wants to hear from you when deciding whether or not to adopt the plan. 

Please take a few minutes to call or write a personalized message to your elected official, expressing your support for a comfortable, connected network of bikeways and trails in Chesterfield County. We’ve set up an easy way for you to contact your representatives on the Board of Supervisors, using the links below. But we know they need to hear from you in your own words, so please fill in your contact info, subject line, and draft a short e-mail.

BT Phasing Map

Click here if you live in Bermuda >>

Click here if you live in Clover Hill >>

Click here if you live in Dale >>

Click here if you live in Matoaca >>

Click here if you live in Midlothian >>

(Don’t know which district you live in? No problem! Use this nifty tool and click on “search property assessments”.)

Here are some suggested talking points to help you with your message:

  • The people of Chesterfield County need the freedom to choose how they get around. Residents should not be forced into driving everywhere they need to go. A safe, accessible network of bikeways and trails will connect people of all ages and abilities with schools, parks, libraries, places of work, and more.
  • Adopting the Bikeways and Trails Plan won’t cost the County anything. The purpose of the plan is to set the vision for future development of a network of bikeways and trails. How that network is paid for is a separate process altogether.
  • One-third of Chesterfield County residents don’t drive – they are either too young, not physically or mentally able, or can’t afford it. Bikeways and trails provide safe, accessible transportation options for everyone.
  • Communities with comfortable, connected places to bike and walk are better places to live. Young professionals want to have a safe choice for walking and biking with their families, and businesses want the same for their employees. More bikeways + trails = good for the economy!

Two final ways to take action:

Thank you for everything you do to support a walkable, bikeable Chesterfield County.


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